[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" Instead on going for the +3 bow I would first recommend swapping out your chest, helm, and belt for something with life on it; or at the very least, try to master-craft some on if you have the open affixes. The helm and chest should be rather inexpensive; I picked these up for I think 2 chaos each: Don't think that you have to have a 5L chest - it's nice, but overall the stats are more important than the extra link. For Izaro, I would recommend three things: 1 - get some life gear (as discussed above) 2 - get some extra rings to swap out for Andvarius - These don't need to be fancy. I just like using something with life and rarity. This will make you much stronger against fights that you aren't feeling confident about. 3 - Swap out your rarity gem for slower projectiles - the extra dps will make the fight much quicker. I just completed Izaro on merciless last night at level 74 with 3800 HP + 200 ES, and I couldn't have had any less because I only got hit once the entire fight, but that single hit took me below 100 life remaining. edit: I also noticed you don't have vaal lightning trap. While this won't help with Izaro (you won't be able to charge it up to use it in his fight), it will help a lot with other map bosses as well as quickly taking down strong packs such as the perandus guardians. I didn't think this was a big deal last season so I waited until 2 months in to get one, but now that I see the impact it makes I made sure to grab one on day 2 of this league. Legacy SC IGN: Octora Standard SC IGN: Octyte Última edição por Nick42#4121 em 8 de mar de 2016 10:52:27
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Re 90% pierce 'issue': I also have the same bug. Character panel shows 100%, tooltip shows 90%. I hope the damage calculations go off what's on the character sheet :P
I always play standard, so I started this Scion, rerolled from my 90 ranger. So that's a little painful. But its 75 now. Here's my gear:
I have a legacy IIQ gem, but I keep my bow colored blue so I can swap in AOE gem, blue gear, and a hidden potential for PVP. My jewels are: 1. dmg/life/dmg 2. dmg/life/allres 3. dmg/life/allres 4. dmg/life/dmg ... so the last 2 jewels I spec into will be dmg/life/dmg. Merciless Laby down at level 74 with 3700 hp O_o that was one hell of a fight! Is a 5L Carcass Jack useful anymore (for chain?) Now that the build features 100% pierce, I mean... Otherwise I should really drop the portal gem and go for a 5L. Thoughts on gear? Advice appreciated. Primarily wondering how people are getting over 5k HP with MF!? I'm working on HP now through the skill tree. Sub-4k HP is brutal. Even my 90 ranger only had 4300 HP with the same gear, and that wasn't that great either. Última edição por SpidaFly#4619 em 8 de mar de 2016 11:40:11
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" About your gemsetup: With the introduction of ascendancy, my damage has been boosted to 20k cloud dps tooltip with frenzy charges (15k before). That's with using CA-Empower-Void Manipulation-Conc Effect-IIR-IIQ. This is more than enough to clear high tier maps and even ran duo with a culler (lol?). With two projectiles that pierces!, I really don't think AoE gem is worth using. And even then pre-ascendancy, I cleared maps fine without it also due to carcass jack. For life, I eventually dropped dual andy's for ventor's with life and I've specced the whole scion life wheel which helps tremendously. You can check my character (stillmatiK) for ideas. Última edição por illmtk#1047 em 8 de mar de 2016 11:41:31
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" In order to obtain 5k HP I actually just swap out my Andvarius Rings for some coral/gold rings with life and double rarity mods. So I have 2 setups: 300R/20Q with 4300 life, or 200R/20Q with 5000 life. I generally only swap to my 5000 set for high maps or dangerous bosses. Also, I'm using a variation of the HC tree which affords much more life on the tree. As illmtk mentioned, speccing the Scion life wheel helps a lot. Make sure you have a good amount of life on all of your rare gear in order to make this work. Legacy SC IGN: Octora Standard SC IGN: Octyte Última edição por Nick42#4121 em 8 de mar de 2016 11:53:07
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Off topic post from a CA enthusiast:
Hi everyone. Hope Ascendancy is going well. Crazy league. I'm delighted - and completely surprised - by low item prices. I'm not sure if this is due to the new trade system or to the possibility of purchasing uniques with Perandus coins; whatever the case, I love it! I bought an Andivarius and a Goldwym on the super-cheap; paid about 19c for each of them. On the downside, this is the first league that I'm up to nearly 80 with zero good drops; I've honestly not found a single thing (no exalt orbs, no high value uniques, no good rares) worth more than 2c. Usually I find something pretty good - and often several things - before I hit 80; but oh well, items are dirt cheap and I'm just selling various orbs to make up. ==== Right now I'm playing dual Flame Totem converted to 100% chaos using 2 Consuming Dark Daggers; I like to play new builds each league for variety (though CA (formerly Poison Arrow) is still one of my all-time favorites. I like lurking in this thread due to the friendly atmosphere created by Serleth (thanks!) and due to all the helpful advice - CA-related and otherwise - that comes up here. ===== Some very funny deaths... I've been abusing totem-aggro while attempting to level, placing all my attention on DPS and magic find. So my character has about 2% physical damage reduction, no dodge, no evasion and no block; eventually I'll don a suit of Astral Plate to fix my physical damage problems... but for the nonce, it's Tabula Rasa baby! Oh, and my health... it's about 3.3K. Pretty scary. Anyhow, I'm level 78 or so and I'm trying to plow through an extra fire damage Catacombs map. No biggie with the totems. Across a gap is a Perandus cache - I can't quite see how to cross over so no bid deal, I just place 2 totems and duck behind an archway for safety; but the damn ultra-fast cache-mobs absolutely destroy my totems; it's taking forever. So eff this! I decide to augment totem damage with manually cast Wither (still ducking behind that archway whenever I take too much damage). I'm in the midst of Wither casting-ducking behind the archway then back to totem placement Wither-casting... feeling pretty good about the situation, when all of a sudden... 3 statue mobs are in front of me. The archway is completely blocked. I'm taking a massive amount of damage and cannot get past the damn statues to safety. The cache-guardian is a summoner! RIP!!! LOL. Pretty damn funny, in a perverse sort of way. ======== Another cool RIP... I've got 25% movement speed boots and some additional MS from the passive tree. If all hell breaks loose, I just high-tail it backwards, easily out-pacing any mobs that follow me. So I'm doing this Strand map... all is going well. I get to the end, near the boss, and there's this Tormented Spirit moving rapidly away from me... no biggie. Then I get to the boss. The spirit has entered the boss... I guess it's OK and continue to DPS. All of a sudden, that boss starts after me. And what the hell! - he's fricin' moving faster than I am. God damn 25%+ movement speed and the boss is faster than I. OK - don't panic... just back up, get some totems up and they'll take aggro. Well that, almost works. Until I back up into a fence. OK, just gonna have to move around the fence. And then... some miniature, summoned(?), red, blobs appear, blocking my exit. Well - I just told you what my physical mitigation is... The boss gets really close to me and then... Wham!!! LOL. Fun times. =========== Última edição por hankinsohl#1231 em 8 de mar de 2016 12:36:22
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" Yeah as nice as it was to grab my Goldwyrm for 14 regrets and an Andvarius for 10c + 4 regrets, now that I'm farming and trying to sell stuff you can sure notice the difference this league. Same as you hank, I've had no notable drops. The highest priced item I've sold so far is some 5c rare gloves. Hopefully I will see my net worth start growing soon; I think I have 20c right now. Legacy SC IGN: Octora Standard SC IGN: Octyte Última edição por Nick42#4121 em 8 de mar de 2016 12:00:27
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I just hit the Jackpot
How would you go about getting the +3 bow? -Buy +3 bow and try 6linking it -Find a good white base and craft from scratch |
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Thanks for the advices, yea I don't have much life, got only 2800 hp, will swap iir for Slower Proj once I need more damage. I don't have any currency left for anything haha, but will try to save for a carcass and a vaal lightning trap for now. I agree I don't need a 5L on chest (we don't have to use chain anymore for curse setup), but that was my chest before the 100% pierce.
Thanks for the feedback guys ^^ |
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" Buy a white 6-link and master-craft it. You'll likely spend much more if you go the other route (+3 first and then try to manually/Vorici 6-link). Usually there's someone with reasonable crafting prices and level-8 masters pretty early-on in the leagues to make this viable. Última edição por hankinsohl#1231 em 8 de mar de 2016 12:26:30
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" Double-check the optimal gem configuration... I"m not sure that Slower Projectiles is best. Pierce now provides "more" damage and might be better. Can someone playing this build offer definitive advice? |
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