[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

hankinsohl escreveu:
spetakju escreveu:
Thanks for the advices, yea I don't have much life, got only 2800 hp, will swap iir for Slower Proj once I need more damage. I don't have any currency left for anything haha, but will try to save for a carcass and a vaal lightning trap for now. I agree I don't need a 5L on chest (we don't have to use chain anymore for curse setup), but that was my chest before the 100% pierce.

Thanks for the feedback guys ^^

Double-check the optimal gem configuration... I"m not sure that Slower Projectiles is best. Pierce now provides "more" damage and might be better.

Can someone playing this build offer definitive advice?

Wow I never noticed that change.
They are both 29% at level 20, and they both have the same quality bonus, so apples to apples the dps boost is identical.

However: Pierce has only a 110% mana multiplier, while slower proj has 140%.

Also, if we take pierce, we can spec out of the pierce cluster on the tree and invest these points elsewhere. The 50% from ascendancy + 50% from support gem also means we don't need the 10% from Drillneck so we can try to obtain a useful implicit corruption.

Note: above level 20 (from empower + gems bow) pierce damage actually scales higher than slower proj.

On a side note, the less duration gem also has 29% more damage at level 20, but without a helpful quality bonus it is inferior to pierce and slower proj.

Very intriguing. I think we need Serleth to take a look at this.

edit: I see Serleth has us using empower over either of these, so I guess our question becomes: which should we use until we have a level 3 empower, or if we want to drop rarity gem for more dps?
Legacy SC IGN: Octora
Standard SC IGN: Octyte
Última edição por Nick42#4121 em 8 de mar de 2016 11:51:44
Nick42 escreveu:

edit: I see Serleth has us using empower over either of these, so I guess our question becomes: which should we use until we have a level 3 empower, or if we want to drop rarity gem for more dps?

It's always situational. If your clearspeed is low, I would always swap in a dps gem. Clearspeed is essentially pseudo item quantity. I'd rather spend time clearing maps in 5 minutes than take 10+ minutes in the same map trying to kill stuff.
oh man, poor Hank :D

I've levelled up to 82.5 now. All ascendet and fun, yet I really look forward to meet Cadiro or his pestilenced mob of guards. I saved up a huge bulk of coins (well not so huge when I see the prices) to hope getting me a nice lil gift, since really, this league I dropped a Tabula at 80 and that has been it.

thanks to brute-force 101 I still own a few things, but that's hard work :(

chest lacks proper links and colors as doe the boots, yet I could get my stuff in a quickie most of the times. Drillneck was 600 coins or so, thanks Cad!
IGN: WildTortillaFart
Hi, it is my first time playing a MF build was hoping people could answer a few questions.

1. What map range do you typically stay in. Do you farm Tier 1-5 to keep getting chaos recipes since regals become worthless? Or do you push into the mid/upper tier maps?

2. At what point do you transition from iding rares to doing unid recipes? With the influx of cadiro and the trade improvements is it likely to be something you'd switch to sooner now?
IGN FionaSummoner
It doesn't seem to do so, but just making sure here. Wither doesn't apply on-hit effect does it?
Nick42 escreveu:
edit: I see Serleth has us using empower over either of these, so I guess our question becomes: which should we use until we have a level 3 empower, or if we want to drop rarity gem for more dps?

Slower Proj is strictly for levelling, and is the pre-Empower, pre-Drilneck, pre-Piercing shots option.

If you have Drillneck, you can use Pierce temporarily and avoid taking Piercing shots to allocate your passives to something else in the interim (more damage, more life, frenzy charges, whatever).

illmtk's also covered the thought process and why I personally always put IIR for the 6L: clear speed is effective IIQ. The more strongboxes, Perandus Chests, exiles, unique bosses, etc that I can kill per hour, the more effective I am at farming as opposed to taking 30% longer to kill all the same things for some extra IIR.

Map rolls IIQ will do a lot of the leg work for you.

Once again, thanks to Chrono and Hank (and others) for answering questions while I was asleep. You guys are heroic.

It doesn't seem to do so, but just making sure here. Wither doesn't apply on-hit effect does it?

No, it's a debuff AoE skill, much like a curse. So it won't do things like cull.

1. What map range do you typically stay in. Do you farm Tier 1-5 to keep getting chaos recipes since regals become worthless? Or do you push into the mid/upper tier maps?

2. At what point do you transition from iding rares to doing unid recipes? With the influx of cadiro and the trade improvements is it likely to be something you'd switch to sooner now?

Regals are about the same as chaos, and are useful for when you want to roll your own jewels / craft for profit. So in that sense, it's worth it to farm higher level maps.

In addition, 72 (T5) maps provide T2 res rolls, and 73 (T6) provide most T2 attack and spell-based rolls for weapons. So at the very least, I would stick to 72-75 maps.

Which conveniently answers #2. I start doing id recipes at 72+. Nothing really's changed for me in that regard.


I'm also going to state for the record here that I'm no longer going to be doing gear-checks on this thread. That takes up a significant amount of my time to run through everybody's gear-checks, particularly early in the league.

The thought process is simple: get as much life, as much resistance, and as much IIR as you can on everything that isn't a unique.

For the progression in what you should get, there's a spoiler for that.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Última edição por Serleth#4392 em 8 de mar de 2016 14:08:02
Do you guys even use Vaal Lightning trap?
Seems like i got so many keybindings already with Frenzy, CA, Blink arrow and Rallying cry, summon flame golem + flasks? Or is there some specific place to use it.
Última edição por Moksu#6517 em 8 de mar de 2016 17:17:20
Moksu escreveu:
Do you guys even use Vaal Lightning trap?
Seems like i got so many keybindings already with Frenzy, CA, Blink arrow and Rallying cry + flasks? Or is there some specific place to use it.
Bigtime! Whenever I run into a boss with a lot of life, throw this on him and watch him melt. I use it more than rallying cry... with the cloud size we end up getting, I rarely call the monsters together, I just fire another arrow.

Anyone else notice the chaos:exalt ratio in this league started much lower than Talisman? It's currently sitting at 60:1. Talisman never got that low even at the end of the 3 months.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
grimjack68 escreveu:

Anyone else notice the chaos:exalt ratio in this league started much lower than Talisman? It's currently sitting at 60:1. Talisman never got that low even at the end of the 3 months.

Agreed on Vaal lightning trap. I use it too much especially on the bosses. As for the currency ratio, it freaks me out :p. I know it's still in the start of the league but even regrets are very low. Almost 1:1!
How do you get 100% pierce chance with shadow?

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