PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Is this safe ? did someone ever got anything stolen?
Última edição por Mystalee em 18 de abr de 2015 19:18:05
Help me i can not enter in procurement.

[Error] Error reading character data for Rezev, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.
Ign: Rezev
same problem [Error] Error reading character data for DEMAPS, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.
IGN-BeautifulMiledi or OnlyUseCold
same problem....

Error reading character data for AeteBoreBlast, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

Already tried to delete it completely and reinstalling, including the regedits. still doesn't work...
same here =(
Bump. I bet it is something to do with recent forum update.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Última edição por silumit em 21 de abr de 2015 05:48:37
Same problem here D:

Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
same here, should be related to the new character tabs on the website.

I found some kind of temporary workaround I think, at least for poeple who use only stashtabs in procurement, character inventories will not be loaded:

-modify settings.xml in Procurement folder to not load characters:
a)Change the Bold marked statement from false to true (1st Spoiler)
b)have no character to load defined in the list definition at the lower part of the .xml(2nd spoiler)

How to:
a) modify statement in bold to True

<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="False" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Standard" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="Butchertoy" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Chaos" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshEnabled" value="false" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshUrl" value="" />

b) If you had chracter defined in the lists section, delete to make you settings look similar to what is default (see spoiler)


<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Standard" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<List name="MyCharacters" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes" />
boesersven escreveu:
same here, should be related to the new character tabs on the website.

I found some kind of temporary workaround I think, at least for poeple who use only stashtabs in procurement, character inventories will not be loaded:

-modify settings.xml in Procurement folder to not load characters:
a)Change the Bold marked statement from false to true (1st Spoiler)
b)have no character to load defined in the list definition at the lower part of the .xml(2nd spoiler)

How to:
a) modify statement in bold to True

<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="False" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Standard" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="Butchertoy" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Chaos" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshEnabled" value="false" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshUrl" value="" />

b) If you had chracter defined in the lists section, delete to make you settings look similar to what is default (see spoiler)


<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Standard" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<List name="MyCharacters" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes" />

Thanks, worked for me!
Aura Reservation Calculator:
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Última edição por MosesXIII em 21 de abr de 2015 08:02:30
Thanks for the fix!

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