PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

Always glad to help, hyppy the workaround is not limited to my Procurement/Computer.
I have a f**** problem here,

[Error] Error reading character data for xxxxx, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

I try MANY things, nothing works.

I did not do ANY change, nor in my account, nor in the program.

Someone does know exactly solve this?
Shampoo_br escreveu:
I have a f**** problem here,

[Error] Error reading character data for xxxxx, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

I try MANY things, nothing works.

I did not do ANY change, nor in my account, nor in the program.

Someone does know exactly solve this?

Learn to read maybe? You dont even have to flip the page to find a workaround.
A friend mine solve the problem too, the same way, change,

<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="false" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="false" />

false to true
Última edição por Shampoo_br em 21 de abr de 2015 10:19:19
boesersven escreveu:
Shampoo_br escreveu:
I have a f**** problem here,

[Error] Error reading character data for xxxxx, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

I try MANY things, nothing works.

I did not do ANY change, nor in my account, nor in the program.

Someone does know exactly solve this?

Learn to read maybe? You dont even have to flip the page to find a workaround.

So, why u said that only for me? One more thing: where it is written that the solution was in the configuration file?
modify settings.xml in Procurement folder to not load characters
boesersven escreveu:
same here, should be related to the new character tabs on the website.

I found some kind of temporary workaround I think, at least for poeple who use only stashtabs in procurement, character inventories will not be loaded:

-modify settings.xml in Procurement folder to not load characters:
a)Change the Bold marked statement from false to true (1st Spoiler)
b)have no character to load defined in the list definition at the lower part of the .xml(2nd spoiler)

How to:
a) modify statement in bold to True

<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="False" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Standard" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="Butchertoy" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Chaos" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshEnabled" value="false" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshUrl" value="" />

b) If you had chracter defined in the lists section, delete to make you settings look similar to what is default (see spoiler)


<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Standard" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<List name="MyCharacters" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes" />

Cause i wrtoe the exact solution 4 posts before your initial question maybe?
And maybe because the other persons posting before you used that tutorial and confirmed it works?
And maybe just because it looks like you are too lazy to read 4 posts and want everything spoonfed to you while you could easily just read.

Cause i wrtoe the exact solution 4 posts before your initial question maybe?
And maybe because the other persons posting before you used that tutorial and confirmed it works?
And maybe just because it looks like you are too lazy to read 4 posts and want everything spoonfed to you while you could easily just read.

Again: Why u said that only for me?

I did not use any tutorial. A friend mine got the same solution, alone.

Tell me, who are you to say anything about me?

To simplify: i do not care what you think of me.

If you can not draw hasty conclusions aboute me, based on a SINGLE posting, i will appreciate that.

You have not yet learned is risky?

Sry for my engl.
Última edição por Shampoo_br em 21 de abr de 2015 11:17:47
Cuz others were able to read and did not ask the same allready very few posts above targeted question I would guess if I was you.

Also you seem pretty upset for your not caring about what I think about you and you pretty much jump in on conclusions what I base my opinion about you on (to me you are just another random person on the internet that is complaining before reading).

And your last remark is meant as a lame attempt to threaten on the internet?
I can't even go as low as really replying to that ;)
Última edição por boesersven em 21 de abr de 2015 11:32:57
4, 5, 6 posts above, whats the difference?

The question, still remains: why u said that only for me?

I do not threatened you. I'm sure you understood what I said.

I think you have offended me in your posts and continues to offend me. BUT, I'm not upset, boy. You took your conclusions. The problem its yours.

You do not know me. Who draw hasty conclusions about anyone, any matter, is who is below.

Accept this fact.
Última edição por Shampoo_br em 21 de abr de 2015 11:49:54

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