PROCUREMENT : The Ultimate Path Of Exile Companion Tool!

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Anyone got any word when we might get our char inventories working again?
Última edição por Rachel em 21 de abr de 2015 12:36:44
And who will do this?


Im here.
All I can tell is the problem causes the following exception to log:

at POEApi.Model.POEModel.GetInventory(String characterName, Boolean forceRefresh)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.LoadCharacterInventoryItems(Character character, Boolean offline)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<LoadItems>d__6.MoveNext()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Procurement.ViewModel.LoginWindowViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Login>b__1()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Which implies it lies in the code at line 206 in

and results in the .bin file for the first character simply containing "false" instead of the JSON.
Última edição por ProudLikeAGod em 21 de abr de 2015 13:14:04
[Error] Error reading character data for Wspoloh, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again. Wath was that???
loggin in not enter to procurment
Última edição por Undardemolto em 21 de abr de 2015 13:41:59
My god why can't you people read yet you can merrily post away..?

boesersven escreveu:
I found some kind of temporary workaround I think, at least for poeple who use only stashtabs in procurement, character inventories will not be loaded:

-modify settings.xml in Procurement folder to not load characters:
a)Change the Bold marked statement from false to true (1st Spoiler)
b)have no character to load defined in the list definition at the lower part of the .xml(2nd spoiler)

How to:
a) modify statement in bold to True

<Setting name="UseSessionID" value="False" />
<Setting name="FavoriteLeague" value="Standard" />
<Setting name="FavoriteCharacter" value="Butchertoy" />
<Setting name="CompactMode" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyLeagues" value="True" />
<Setting name="DownloadOnlyMyCharacters" value="True" />
<Setting name="CurrencyDistributionMetric" value="Chaos" />
<Setting name="EmbedBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="BuyoutItemsOnlyVisibleInBuyoutsTag" value="False" />
<Setting name="OnlyDisplayBuyouts" value="True" />
<Setting name="CheckForUpdates" value="True" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshEnabled" value="false" />
<Setting name="PoeTradeRefreshUrl" value="" />

b) If you had chracter defined in the lists section, delete to make you settings look similar to what is default (see spoiler)


<List name="MyLeagues">
<Item value="Standard" />
<List name="MyTabs">
<!--If you only want Procurement to download specific tabs list them here, eg :-->
<!--<Item value="Shop" />-->
<List name="MyCharacters" />
<List name="AdditionalTemplates">
<!--Add yours own templates here. Eg-->
<!--<Item value="LvlingShop.txt"/>-->
<List name="IgnoreTabsInRecipes" />
boesersven escreveu:
same here, should be related to the new character tabs on the website.

I found some kind of temporary workaround (...)

Thank you, it works again with your workaround !

Indeed, I can confirm that Procurement 1.9.0 is broken at the moment, probably due to recent updates with the 2.0.0 patch.

I went into my settings folder and both download my leagues and download my characters were both set to true already :(

Idk how to fix it. Method 2 I must have misunderstood because I deleted my character of the "list" and then procurement wouldn't even launch lol
g00fy_goober, see:
to make you settings look similar to what is default (see spoiler)

And if that doesn't work, just (backup your buyouts/settings file and) try redownload/reinstall Procurement in a 2nd place.
Última edição por ProudLikeAGod em 21 de abr de 2015 17:15:58
Looking into this, will update when I can.
Procurement  : The Ultimate Exile's Companion!
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Error reading character data for LibritanniaES, if you are in offline mode you will need to login and update. If you received this error while logging in, the authenticated session may have expired or bad data has been returned by GGG or a network issue may have occurred - Please try again.

:/ Uninstalled twice~ still no luck~
[Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058
[Hideout] New Oriath /2505008
[Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163
[Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905
"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia

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