3.9| Stress-Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |SSF the Atlas w/ 1 Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!
" It's one of the major cons of this build - not enough damage output on higher tiers mobs with bladestorm which makes blighted/legion encounters a failure. Unfortunately same goes with bosses (especially those with regen) - very long fights and some bosses are simply unkillable :(. |
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I notice some nodes on the skill tree are highlighted in red, other builds do this and I don't really know what it means can someone explain to me why its circled n stuff?
im a noob and this is my first league :/ Última edição por CultOfBruh#5722 em 23 de jan de 2020 22:05:18
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"Hey HChristopher2671! Thanks! I hope you enjoy it! This build is totally fine with Blight situations where there is only one path to the "pulsy" thing. It's not great when the paths split 180 degrees right away. Blade Storm does more than enough damage to "awaken" any of the Legion enemies you want though. The block damage is just bonus damage. Let me know what you think if you give the build a shot. It's so fun as a league starter. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey Reactor52! Great job! Quicksilver112 is correct. Close Combat just has the same weapon restrictions as Bladestorm. Which item it's socketed in is irrelevant. You just have to have a sword or axe equipped to use it. You get used to GGG's wording over time. Ask as many questions as you like! :) https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey Euzybiusz! It's not the strongest DPS build, but here are a few things you can do to increase your damage a bit: - As great as your weapon is, there are stronger rares out there. Aim for a weapon with more % to physical damage and more flat added damage. Maybe even some attack speed. - Steel Rings have physical damage implicit. - Rustic Sashes have a physical damage implicit as well. Besides the weapon (which I love) the other additions would be minor. Are you finding Cyclone better for damage? Do you have any suggestions on where you'd find damage (tree or supports)? I'm always up for improvement! Thanks for your honesty. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey CultOfBruh! I actually am not sure what you are referring to. I don't see any red highlights on the tree. Either that or I'm used to them that I don't see them anymore. Any chance you could be more specific or are able to post a screenshot? And welcome to PoE! I hope you love the game! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Post weekend update.
Hit level 88 and halfway to 89. Switched out one life node for the jewel node to add a jewel with like 14% physical damage and 5% attack speed. I wanted a boost in DPS and haven't had too many issues dying. A lot of my gems are 20% quality now and worked back up to level 17/18 and I noticed a nice bump there too. I'm pretty comfortably doing T9/T10 maps and also still delving. I did a unique beachhead map with Harbingers and got some sword piece. Doubt I'll ever get the item, and it's lightning, but could be fun. I think I'm about a dozen watchstones. Question: If I put all 4 in one region, is there a advantage to being Awakener level 1 or 2 as opposed to not? Better drops, does it add difficulty? Any thoughts? I've experimented with simple sextants, no big boosts yet. What does a Prime Sextant do, the description is the same? I'm juicing my T9/T10 maps with chisels (I've got like 90) and also Alchemy and sometimes Vaal orbs as well as putting in map fragments to boost and I'm pretty happy with the results. I've only had to use a couple orbs of scouring to remove physical reflect. I'm usually swimming in maps, I can get 4-5 or more same tier or +1/+2 pretty regularly. I also hit a unique strongbox for the first time ever and got three unique maps! They are like T11-T13. I'm holding them for now. One is Ova's Cursed Trove. I want to make sure I'm a bit stronger before going for it. I switched out my shield to add life since it seems the % life increases don't do much without having the base in there. This baby has +156 life which is awesome, but I lost some blocking that put me below 70%. I'll keep looking for one that has both, but I haven't found a crafting recipe for blocking yet. Really can't say enough how much I'm enjoying the build. I STILL have a 5-link armor and I've tried a few dozen fuses without success. Even hoping for another 5-link with better mods I could fossil craft would be awesome as my armor only has dual 40%+ resists but only 20 life and no other mods but + armor % because it was so low level. That is my number one goal at this point. But the fact that I can take down conquerors at this stage and comfortably do metamorphs at the T10 map level with a SSF character with a LOT of room for improvement speaks to the soundness of the build. I'm going to do some research and look for where Steel rings drop and probably set up some lab runs to get some better mods on gear. I'm really hoping to find a beast or a crafting recipe or a fossil to bump up to a 28% or 30% quality on a new shield or 6-link armor (or better 5-link armor). I realize this is pretty basic stuff to a lot of folks, but for me it's pretty exciting. This is by far the furthest into the game and end-game I've gotten. I'm actually thinking I might be able to take down Sirus in February before the league ends. |
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A couple of quick updates. I found this influenced amulet with +20 all attributes, +8% strength and 9% increased area of affect. I decided to annoint it with Spirit Void since my old amulet had mana leech and I noticed the loss when switching it out.
I'm hoping the 9% increased area of affect will be nice for Bladestorm? Is this correct? The skill gem has AOE on it, so guessing it will have a good impact for bigger packs I leap into. I captured the soul of the Ancient Architect for Pantheon. Still looking for the immune to poison boss to capture as I found another divine vessel. I'm just short of level 89, and I have the Drox and the Green conqueror already ready to fight (3rd time for each) but I'm waiting until I level, just in case. Any tips for Drox? The 2nd fight was SLOW with all the banners, I couldn't take them down quick enough to damage him. Finally, I did a couple of Zana missions for the Lab and got one of my two missing trials done. Only one to go until I can do the Uber Lab and get my final ascendency points. Is Arena Challenger definitely the way to go with these? Finally, I found a nice armor with solid life (not great, but real good) and some resists and double my armor. I got it to six sockets but couldn't six-link it or even 5-link it to replace my current one which is a weak point of my character. See below. I'll have to hope for something to drop or to get a whole bunch of fuses. I burned about 80 trying to get 5-links at least. Alas, not yet. |
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" Hey Wrecker, Thanks a lot again for this build,I was able to farm,learn more about the game while trying out different things.I have invested a bit more on the upgrages, and wanted to tweak the tree a bit for more damage, I am now able to to T16 with ease. Killed 4 Level Sirius, and character looks like it is able to do a lot more. Still needed to do a bit more invesment and upgrade and it should be perfect all around. |
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Thanks for the build!
This is a very sweet tank build. I've been enjoying it immensely, especially after starting a glass-peashooter Inquisitor Storm Brand build for the league. Ugh. DPS is definitely the challenge with this build. I've found Pride to be essential. Warchief is a huge boost, too. Use an Vaal version for the quick cooldown nuke. I started running the build more evasion than armor based but am moving towards armor. Running T14-15 fine, Drox takes forever to down, but so far almost every boss fight is doable and only had to bail on 1 or 2 Metamorph fights because I just didn't have the damage to move their health bars at all. Gear below. Nothing insane, the chest probably cost the most at 100c or so. Got the helm enchant myself on first Uber Lab. It makes a noticeable difference especially in sand stance. Última edição por Lord_Bakaxan#5965 em 28 de jan de 2020 21:51:59
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