3.9| Stress-Free PoE - TRIGGER HAPPY |SSF the Atlas w/ 1 Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

Thrippy escreveu:
Post weekend update.

Hit level 88 and halfway to 89. Switched out one life node for the jewel node to add a jewel with like 14% physical damage and 5% attack speed. I wanted a boost in DPS and haven't had too many issues dying.

A lot of my gems are 20% quality now and worked back up to level 17/18 and I noticed a nice bump there too. I'm pretty comfortably doing T9/T10 maps and also still delving.

I did a unique beachhead map with Harbingers and got some sword piece. Doubt I'll ever get the item, and it's lightning, but could be fun.

I think I'm about a dozen watchstones. Question: If I put all 4 in one region, is there a advantage to being Awakener level 1 or 2 as opposed to not? Better drops, does it add difficulty? Any thoughts?

I've experimented with simple sextants, no big boosts yet. What does a Prime Sextant do, the description is the same?

I'm juicing my T9/T10 maps with chisels (I've got like 90) and also Alchemy and sometimes Vaal orbs as well as putting in map fragments to boost and I'm pretty happy with the results. I've only had to use a couple orbs of scouring to remove physical reflect. I'm usually swimming in maps, I can get 4-5 or more same tier or +1/+2 pretty regularly.

I also hit a unique strongbox for the first time ever and got three unique maps! They are like T11-T13. I'm holding them for now. One is Ova's Cursed Trove. I want to make sure I'm a bit stronger before going for it.

I switched out my shield to add life since it seems the % life increases don't do much without having the base in there. This baby has +156 life which is awesome, but I lost some blocking that put me below 70%. I'll keep looking for one that has both, but I haven't found a crafting recipe for blocking yet.

Really can't say enough how much I'm enjoying the build. I STILL have a 5-link armor and I've tried a few dozen fuses without success. Even hoping for another 5-link with better mods I could fossil craft would be awesome as my armor only has dual 40%+ resists but only 20 life and no other mods but + armor % because it was so low level. That is my number one goal at this point. But the fact that I can take down conquerors at this stage and comfortably do metamorphs at the T10 map level with a SSF character with a LOT of room for improvement speaks to the soundness of the build.

I'm going to do some research and look for where Steel rings drop and probably set up some lab runs to get some better mods on gear. I'm really hoping to find a beast or a crafting recipe or a fossil to bump up to a 28% or 30% quality on a new shield or 6-link armor (or better 5-link armor).

I realize this is pretty basic stuff to a lot of folks, but for me it's pretty exciting. This is by far the furthest into the game and end-game I've gotten. I'm actually thinking I might be able to take down Sirus in February before the league ends.

Sweet update Thrippy!

Awesome job in the Beachhead!

I don't actually understand the atlas too well yet. I'm only at 15 watchstones right now. I think they are always released in a specific colour order. So make sure you don't already have the Watchstone colour of the colour that's next to unlock, in the region you're working on. Tricky stuff.

All values of Sextants have the same list of mods that they can roll. But the better sextants roll a higher value mod than the previous ones. Think of them like Scarabs that impact a whole region of the Atlas instead of just one map.

I'm really glad you're liking the build and more importantly excited about your progress with the game! This build isn't the hardest hitting but it's really defensive and gives you the space to learn. I'm going to find a way to Increase the damage for 3.10 (now that I know the new endgame and enemies and such) and keep all my "guide requirements" too.

Don't ever be embarrassed about learning the game though (not saying you were). I love your post and I'm excited that you're excited! Great job! And thanks for the kind words. I appreciate you taking the time to be so thoughtful :).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Thrippy escreveu:
A couple of quick updates. I found this
influenced amulet with +20 all attributes, +8% strength and 9% increased area of affect. I decided to annoint it with Spirit Void since my old amulet had mana leech and I noticed the loss when switching it out.

I'm hoping the 9% increased area of affect will be nice for Bladestorm? Is this correct? The skill gem has AOE on it, so guessing it will have a good impact for bigger packs I leap into.

I captured the soul of the Ancient Architect for Pantheon. Still looking for the immune to poison boss to capture as I found another divine vessel.

I'm just short of level 89, and I have the Drox and the Green conqueror already ready to fight (3rd time for each) but I'm waiting until I level, just in case.

Any tips for Drox? The 2nd fight was SLOW with all the banners, I couldn't take them down quick enough to damage him.

Finally, I did a couple of Zana missions for the Lab and got one of my two missing trials done. Only one to go until I can do the Uber Lab and get my final ascendency points. Is Arena Challenger definitely the way to go with these?

Finally, I found a nice armor with solid life (not great, but real good) and some resists and double my armor. I got it to six sockets but couldn't six-link it or even 5-link it to replace my current one which is a weak point of my character. See below. I'll have to hope for something to drop or to get a whole bunch of fuses. I burned about 80 trying to get 5-links at least. Alas, not yet.

Nice Amulet! Yes AoE imapcts Bladestorm in all aspects.

With Drox, I go to the far side of one of his paths. I then only have two banners to worry about. With this build, I'm in Blood Stance the whole time. Having fully ascended really helps of course so be patient with any build until you've been there. Once you're fighting him there, I simply find I'm safe 99% of the time right behind him. So leave some blood storms, get safe, blood storms, safe...

Arena Challenger is totally the way to go.

Nice chest. It's a "solid decent". There's higher life rolls of course but it's a nice balance you have. Did you know that there is a crafting recipe for 150 fusings to auto-5-link an item?

Good luck getting your last lab!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
AeternusVale escreveu:
Hey Wrecker,

Thanks a lot again for this build,I was able to farm,learn more about the game while trying out different things.I have invested a bit more on the upgrages, and wanted to tweak the tree a bit for more damage, I am now able to to T16 with ease. Killed 4 Level Sirius, and character looks like it is able to do a lot more. Still needed to do a bit more invesment and upgrade and it should be perfect all around.
Thanks AeternusVale! I'm glad you're having fun and learning the game! Great job making it your own and making the changes you want! I'll be trying to improve the damage of this build for 3.10 now that I have played the endgame.

Awesome job on Sirus! Thanks for the kind words and encouragement and great job making the changes you feel it needs! Let me know how it goes!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Lord_Bakaxan escreveu:
Thanks for the build!

This is a very sweet tank build. I've been enjoying it immensely, especially after starting a glass-peashooter Inquisitor Storm Brand build for the league. Ugh.

DPS is definitely the challenge with this build. I've found Pride to be essential. Warchief is a huge boost, too. Use an Vaal version for the quick cooldown nuke.

I started running the build more evasion than armor based but am moving towards armor. Running T14-15 fine, Drox takes forever to down, but so far almost every boss fight is doable and only had to bail on 1 or 2 Metamorph fights because I just didn't have the damage to move their health bars at all.

Gear below. Nothing insane, the chest probably cost the most at 100c or so. Got the helm enchant myself on first Uber Lab. It makes a noticeable difference especially in sand stance.

Dang Lord_Bakaxan!

I would kill for your gear! Your shield, helmet, chest...I dream of having a lab enchantment that matches my build ;). Nice job! (I can't believe you got the enchant right away!

Ya, I'll be trying to improve Bladestorm's DPS for 3.10 now that I have played with the new enemy and boss resists. Damage isn't bad when we get hit (and trigger) but without that, it's a little slow. Metamorphs are pretty nuts. I do like that there are combos of mods that are just too much...but I totally get that it'd be nice to just crush all of it.

Thanks for the kind words and great encouragement! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! You definitely seem to know what you're doing. Let us know how things progress!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Hey there! Thank you so much for this guide, been having tons of fun playing this build, im up to lv93 and kicking atlas's ass :) I was wondering, what is everyone's tooltip DPS (in hideout with auras on)

Mine is 28k in blood stance

heres my gear, any suggestions as to what to upgrade are most welcome

BluntSlinger escreveu:
Hey there! Thank you so much for this guide, been having tons of fun playing this build, im up to lv93 and kicking atlas's ass :) I was wondering, what is everyone's tooltip DPS (in hideout with auras on)

Mine is 28k in blood stance

heres my gear, any suggestions as to what to upgrade are most welcome

Hey BluntSlinger!

I'm glad you're having such a great time! Thanks for taking the time to be encouraging.

Your gear kicks the crap out of mine ;). I love it all! It seems like you know what to look for. Your improvements will be hard to find, though in PoE there's always room for minor upgrades. Especially if you're at 93, you're pretty set. Life rolls can always improve, but it's the corresponding mods that make that hard. Another Steel ring would give a minor increase to damage too. I want your weapon and helmet :).

Thanks for the post! I like seeing what people have equipped and where they take the build. And thanks again for the kind words.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
BluntSlinger escreveu:
I was wondering, what is everyone's tooltip DPS (in hideout with auras on) Mine is 28k in blood stance

Mine is a mere 10.3K at the moment. SSF but still. Love the sword. I've got some updating to do, although my sword is not the problem. I think I'm going to re-roll the craft to attack speed or some damage modifier if I can. I can get the resists elsewhere.

After hitting level 89, I beat the 3rd Al-Hezmin (piece of cake) and Drox (Slow, but I went to the end of a path as WoD suggested) on Awakener2. I now have 12 watchstones.

Did my first red level 11 map last night and got my Baran influence, so it's progressing nicely. I also ran a few mine nodes and got some more resonators, and finally did two Tane metamorphs and got some nice currency and useful stuff. It's nice that the Xbox league is finally dropping eyes, I think I've had 5 so far, so I have run 3, I have 2 left and I'm waiting for some juicier body parts. I haven't had any issues with his lab metamorphs up to about 3/4 full on the meter. The defense in this build if you have 75% resists and some chaos resists is just great. I'm at 36% chaos and I'd like to get it up to 50%.

Anyway, current goals are getting some red master missions, running yellow Zana's if necessary to get the final trial so I can run uber lab and get my arena challenger ascendency node. Then it's map time to try to find some upgrade gear, ideally DPS then life. I may run some merciless labs to try to get a good helmet or boot enchants.

I definitely noticed the 9% increased AOE last night, I didn't get a chance to play with it prior. It's especially noticeable on blood stance vs metamorphs against the minions that spawn as I can hit both now if they are spread out and charge up my Vaal double strike and flasks.

More tomorrow :D

Thrippy escreveu:
BluntSlinger escreveu:
I was wondering, what is everyone's tooltip DPS (in hideout with auras on) Mine is 28k in blood stance

Mine is a mere 10.3K at the moment. SSF but still. Love the sword. I've got some updating to do, although my sword is not the problem. I think I'm going to re-roll the craft to attack speed or some damage modifier if I can. I can get the resists elsewhere.

After hitting level 89, I beat the 3rd Al-Hezmin (piece of cake) and Drox (Slow, but I went to the end of a path as WoD suggested) on Awakener2. I now have 12 watchstones.

Did my first red level 11 map last night and got my Baran influence, so it's progressing nicely. I also ran a few mine nodes and got some more resonators, and finally did two Tane metamorphs and got some nice currency and useful stuff. It's nice that the Xbox league is finally dropping eyes, I think I've had 5 so far, so I have run 3, I have 2 left and I'm waiting for some juicier body parts. I haven't had any issues with his lab metamorphs up to about 3/4 full on the meter. The defense in this build if you have 75% resists and some chaos resists is just great. I'm at 36% chaos and I'd like to get it up to 50%.

Anyway, current goals are getting some red master missions, running yellow Zana's if necessary to get the final trial so I can run uber lab and get my arena challenger ascendency node. Then it's map time to try to find some upgrade gear, ideally DPS then life. I may run some merciless labs to try to get a good helmet or boot enchants.

I definitely noticed the 9% increased AOE last night, I didn't get a chance to play with it prior. It's especially noticeable on blood stance vs metamorphs against the minions that spawn as I can hit both now if they are spread out and charge up my Vaal double strike and flasks.

More tomorrow :D

44k But i'm using a lower dps axe atm but still blow through the atlas on t16 maps. Edit 70k with my other axe.
Última edição por Quicksilver112#8413 em 29 de jan de 2020 14:40:37
Sorry if I'm co-opting this thread with my progress updates on the build, let me know if its a problem and I'll stop.

I ran a Zana mission last night hoping for the Grief trial I needed, found a map in her mission that had trials and...it wasn't the one I needed. Oh well, play on. The very next map, I ran a T3 just to spawn Baran the final time and it has a trial and *boom* it's the Trial of Crippling Grief! Woot. So I finished it and then ran the Eternal Lab and got my final ascendency points. Yeah, nice.

I took a while to get all the silver chests in the lab, so it was all I could do last night so I really couldn't try it out to see if I notice a difference. I assume with 10 Challenger charges giving 2% attack and movement speed each, I'll notice more in clear time. The lab last night had an acceleration dark shrine that was incredible. That is 50% so 20% fully maxed Challenger charges won't be quite as insane, but I imagine it will quickly be difficult to play at regular speed after having it.

I also had a prophecy that tripped after killing Itziri. I got Inya and killed her to get these:

I really want to do the Pale Council but don't know how to go about getting the others. I'll have to read up.

Other than that, a couple of delve nodes in the ilevel 75 range got me this:

I have the following fossils, but really that only allows 1 or maybe two tries. Not sure if it's worth using a 2, 3, or 4 fossil resonator. I'd like to do a Sygian vise to get life and then maybe a ring to get life, attack and/or damage mods.

Anyway, I have the 4th Baran unlocked, I was waiting for my Arena Challenger to try him. Hoping for the best.

Happy Hunting.
Alguns itens neste post estão atualmente indisponíveis.
Hey Wrecker,

I also wanted to thank you for the build. I recently returned to PoE after a break of several years (since Act 4 was the last act and there were still three difficulty levels). Anyway, I decided to try PoE again, and searched for a melee build and found this one. I never followed builds when I played before, because they usually required gear I didn't have, and I have never enjoyed the trading/economy aspects of games. So the highest I ever got with a character was 85 while still in Cruel, and I never managed to get through even the lowest level of the Labyrinth. Anyway, I'm following this build and I'm at level 54 so far, in Act 6, taking my time, since everything after Act 4 is new to me. I have also successfully run the lowest level of the Labyrinth and got an Ascendancy for the very first time! Oh, and I've only died twice so far, so I'm really happy I found this build guide. Thanks again!

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