[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

We had many discussions over it. I will be going Venom Gyre. In the end I am very convinced that all of the above gems will be able to clear everything.

I see Cobra Lash as the clearly worst of the 4 options, the others have different pros/cons that you could argue hours about. Best example:

As Thorstein stated I was doing 100% Deli with his gear to test tankyness. Pestilent Strike is just a different "feel". There u kill a single enemy and the poison proliferation annihilates the whole pack. Awakened Melee Spash is a different mechanic, you attack way more enemies at the same time, you don´t have nearly as good as a spread. The Single Target itself is stronger, you can´t kill bosses that easy in big groups though. If they stay as equal in power as they are right now I will always favour Viper Strike while Thorstein will always favour Pestilent. So which one is better? Not really to say, right?

In the end it really comes down to personal preference. I have not a single doubt in my mind that all of the gems will be able to clear 10 Bosses, since the ranged skills profit here as well from the spread/chain. People should worry more about what they want to play in terms of fun, rather than what is better.

Me: I´ll be going venom gyre, even if it is a bit weaker at some points.
Última edição por Vennto em 14 de jan de 2021 06:21:02
Vennto escreveu:
We had many discussions over it. I will be going Venom Gyre. In the end I am very convinced that all of the above gems will be able to clear everything.

I see Cobra Lash as the clearly worst of the 4 options, the others have different pros/cons that you could argue hours about. Best example:

As Thorstein stated I was doing 100% Deli with his gear to test tankyness. Pestilent Strike is just a different "feel". There u kill a single enemy and the poison proliferation annihilates the whole pack. Awakened Melee Spash is a different mechanic, you attack way more enemies at the same time, you don´t have nearly as good as a spread. The Single Target itself is stronger, you can´t kill bosses that easy in big groups though.

In the end it really comes down to personal preference. I have not a single doubt in my mind that all of the gems will be able to clear 10 Bosses, since the ranged skills profit here as well from the spread. People should worry more about what they want to play in terms of fun, rather than what is better.

Me: I´ll be going venom gyre, even if it is a bit weaker at some points.

Super well put. I'll spend some time on some standard toons and play around with the abelites to get a feel for them all.

Did a little bit of Cobra Lash and the ability was certainly fun to zoom.
Última edição por mrwiggiiles em 14 de jan de 2021 06:23:11
Vennto escreveu:
We had many discussions over it. I will be going Venom Gyre. In the end I am very convinced that all of the above gems will be able to clear everything.

I see Cobra Lash as the clearly worst of the 4 options, the others have different pros/cons that you could argue hours about. Best example:

As Thorstein stated I was doing 100% Deli with his gear to test tankyness. Pestilent Strike is just a different "feel". There u kill a single enemy and the poison proliferation annihilates the whole pack. Awakened Melee Spash is a different mechanic, you attack way more enemies at the same time, you don´t have nearly as good as a spread. The Single Target itself is stronger, you can´t kill bosses that easy in big groups though. If they stay as equal in power as they are right now I will always favour Viper Strike while Thorstein will always favour Pestilent. So which one is better? Not really to say, right?

In the end it really comes down to personal preference. I have not a single doubt in my mind that all of the gems will be able to clear 10 Bosses, since the ranged skills profit here as well from the spread/chain. People should worry more about what they want to play in terms of fun, rather than what is better.

Me: I´ll be going venom gyre, even if it is a bit weaker at some points.

I agree. I mean, i probably start with CL and can switch the 6L setup if i need to kill bosses like sirus or the new boss arena.
Super well put. I'll spend some time on some standard toons and play around with the abelites to get a feel for them all.

Did a little bit of Cobra Lash and the ability was certainly fun to zoom.

Good choice. Plenty of people don´t even want to try anything and just ask for "what is the best you can do?" From where I stand it takes away a lot of fun. Trying, testing, figuring out what YOU LIKE is part of the fun of that game. If I just blindly copy from someone else I can´t really be proud of my accomplishments, guess that´s just who I am :D

In terms of Cobra Lash: That is fun indeed. In Delirium League I even combined it. I crafted 3 white sockets on my chest and for wave 1-17 I went with Cobra Lash, consistently guaranteeing 6 delirium-rewards. When the damage dropped I swapped for the last waves to melee. But if I go Melee right from the get-go I won´t stand a chance to reach 6 rewards. Depending on the layout and overall movement-speed you sometimes even "only" get 4. The investment for Awk. Multistrike for melee and an additional awk. GMP for Cobra Lash is surely put better into one setup alone but I just wanted to show that even the ranged skills which are generally considered weaker have their strong points and are viable. Specifically in open-layout-speedmapping, Blights, Delirium and I will enjoy them in Ritual-Encounters too I think.
mrwiggiiles escreveu:
TorsteinTheFallen escreveu:
mrwiggiiles escreveu:
dam, maybe I should try a melee build again. Tbh I tried it at the beginning of Delirium and it was a mess....but so was that entire league.

Go with base version of this build and when you accumulate currency start upgrading to Transcendence version. This is probably the last time this Transcendence char will be this strong and it's bonkers good but requires rly good gear. Much of it will be quite easier to get with Harvest now.

Don't want to push you into melee if you are not fond of that playstyle. Do what's most suited to you.

Yeah I really love that version of the build. Which melee ability do you think will be best for 10 bosses =)

Both are fine rly.
Pestilent for me has the edge because of explosions. For example if you kill one boss and he explodes onto another one, damage of Pestilent surpasses Viper Strike.

To simplify, if there are more than 1 enemies able to take damage at the same time Pestilent is better.
For pure single targets like Sirus/Shaper/U Atziri/UE Viper Strike is better.

edit: now i see Vennto responded before me saying basically same thing xD Go with what you like the most.
Última edição por TorsteinTheFallen em 14 de jan de 2021 06:40:33
Can I use Aul's Uprising in Ultimate Transcending Melee?
Hello, i read all the builds and thr last 10 page, if i understand, the best things to do is LS as Cobra lash untill we go on t16, then get currency to reroll as venom gyre cause CL is weak as bossing/endgame ?

Btw, thanks for the build he is awesome.
Still thinking 40ex for the transcendence version or is harvest crafting likely to bring that down?
Pastebins doesnt work for me, what can i do?
Nikolas58585 escreveu:
Pastebins doesnt work for me, what can i do?

Check if you have right version of PoB app. I posted download link in the guide.

Also pastebins will be updated probably tonight.

Optaka escreveu:
Still thinking 40ex for the transcendence version or is harvest crafting likely to bring that down?

Harvest should bring it down but most expensive item is Watcher's Eye, which is unique. Depends on the market too...

Hangoryng escreveu:
Can I use Aul's Uprising in Ultimate Transcending Melee?

If you can somehow craft Aspect of the Crab on other item than amulet and cap resistances then yeah, but it will be really hard because it's suffix and it competes with either resistances or attributes for a position.

Erecia escreveu:
Hello, i read all the builds and thr last 10 page, if i understand, the best things to do is LS as Cobra lash untill we go on t16, then get currency to reroll as venom gyre cause CL is weak as bossing/endgame ?

Btw, thanks for the build he is awesome.

Ty! :)

If you are mostly interested in ranged skills, Cobra Lash should be better early and faster for general mapping.
I still have no numbers on VG what damage will it do because gems aren't updated in the PoB, but it should be step up from CL for single targets.

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