[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Any recommended cheaper annoints until I get a necklace worth Tribal one?
How important is Coralito's for our damage as PS? I'm struggling with survivability so I swapped it for a Rumi's at the moment.
SweetNausea escreveu:
How important is Coralito's for our damage as PS? I'm struggling with survivability so I swapped it for a Rumi's at the moment.

The number of people that don't read the flask section; my god.

You need a jade of reflex. That will fix your survivability.
rand0m_taskk escreveu:
SweetNausea escreveu:
How important is Coralito's for our damage as PS? I'm struggling with survivability so I swapped it for a Rumi's at the moment.

The number of people that don't read the flask section; my god.

You need a jade of reflex. That will fix your survivability.

You're right, I'm a moron. I crafted a jade then dumped it in my stash and forgot about it. Whoops.
I see a lot of people talking about survivability so I'm going to chime in here:

You need a Jade Flask of Reflexes at minimum, I'd recommend Alchemist prefix

Using Molten Shell on left click is cool and all, but keep in mind if you trigger it when you don't have your jade flask/stibnite up you are absolutely wrecking your MS absorption. Look at my default MS vs my MS with flasks up:

Vaal Molten Shell is 4k vs 17k.

75% damage from hits is taken from those numbers before your life, which would you rather have? Just something to think about if you're having issues staying alive. In short:

Get one

(Needs quality and % increase could be so much better)

Pop MS/Vaal MS properly, make sure you're as close to 75% chaos res as possible, keep fortify up, don't stand in explosions.
Última edição por Brutalextremez em 19 de jan de 2021 12:33:19
Any reason why the Transendence-version use a Jade flask with Iron Skin (armour) instead of Reflexes (with evasion) like the normal-build uses ?

Gde si bajo moj xD, pisacu na eng da i ostali razumeju.

After Act 5 you will load pastebin of the full build and continue with the tree.

Leveling tree has some points that final tree doesn't have. It's because of the early damage while leveling.
You will respec points that are not in the full build tree.

After Act 5 continue finishing lower part of the tree without taking jewel slots. Take jewel slots last.

Ok, I guess you just follow the path, no skipping around.

Hvala na pomoći :)
Kapaya escreveu:
Any recommended cheaper annoints until I get a necklace worth Tribal one?
Anything that saves you skill points and is cheap. Best example is "Poisonous Fangs". Doesn't use any expensive oils and the skill points leading up to it don't have too much impact.
With the 3 points saved you can sometimes get another 3 point wheel or save 1 point elsewhere to go for another 4 pointer.
Lunethzz escreveu:
In the skillgem link spoiler you refer to melee physical support in the pestillence variant. Why would we not pick unbound ailments?

edit: PoB says unbound ailments gives 19% more DoT dmg than melee phys.. So why would we take melee phys

It's weak in poison damage compared to Melee Phys. Damage is on paper like that because it adds lots of duration.

Awakened unbound ailments is better choice though than Melee phys.
karisak escreveu:
TorsteinTheFallen escreveu:
karisak escreveu:
Hey there! I've been league starting the Cobra Lash variant of this build, but I reached level 82, doing second set of conqs and I seem to be struggling hard with Mana. I've had to use Clarity to even sustain on bosses and therefore I have to drop Malevolence which is a major dps loss. I might have missed it, but what, besides Clarity can I do to help the mana issue?

Use mana flask for early leveling. At one point you will take Soul Raker node that has mana and life leech.

I have this already, still struggling despite those, only on single target though, map clearing is fine but as soon as I gotta kill one enemy it goes bad

Make your char public so i can see what you did there.

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