[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Hi! I loved the build in Harvest and want to go Pestilent Strike again soon. Has the ascendancy changes affected this build too much?
Is the Fortify linked with Ances.Prot making the totems live that much better ?
Having thoughts to change that fortify for Vaal Haste...
TorsteinTheFallen escreveu:
NameMerken escreveu:
How much mana do you guys have with all auras and enlighten 3?(spider,malev,hoag,artic)

I'm at 39 with 17mana cost on venom gyre on clear and 9 on single target.
Sometimes it kinda feels like I run out of mana and can't keep up with the skillcost, tho it says I'm at 132.8 mana leech on hit rate, which should easily keep up. Is it actually that 1% chance to miss that I'm noticing lol.

Enlighten 4 will fix it, in the meantime add -mana on amulet.

Im using the enlighten 4 but still have the same amount of mana. Im lvl 76 tho
I feel like my damage is very good as of now - how do you feel about increased AOE enchant to add to clear speed?
Is it so bad to have 99% chance to hit? Have this with +430 accuracy on a ring...
why craft claw on 85 base i dont see anything u need 85 for
Definitely an awesome build!

I am playing VG with a rare chest, with 10-15ex spent on this build I have over 7 million sirus dps now, not counting the returning preojectiles. It's really tanky and fast (327% movement speed at maximum elusive effect), and a good league starter: I was able to complete t16 maps of 100%+ iiq with two wasp nests (it took minutes to kill the map bosses though), then with fossil crafted claws I could farm t14+ maps smoothly.

One tip for fossil crafting: considering the prices of four sockets resonators this league, one should use Aberrant fossils in addition to Metallic, Corroded and Shuddering, instead of using only 3 fossils like the author said in the main thread.

Just harvest crafted a decent helmet:

There are only 3 "chaos" mods on an item lvl 85 hunter's helmet. With some remove non-chaos/add chaos, and aug chaos, one can get "-9% chaos res" easily.
SSF Pestilent Strike, I'm currently struggling to stay alive in red maps, and frequently have deaths, especially to bosses. At least two on the new maps can just straight up one shot me. Anything I can do to get more survivability? Character Enleiv in SSF Ritual.
How do you deal with physical damage with the tank build? (I am going hardcore, so I am a bit worried about it)

Is it worth to really get transcendence and get no phys reduc from armour?
For anyone fortunate enough to get a claw with "Socketed gems are supported by level # Multistrike", I suggest socketing your Pestilent strike in that weapon and use your 6L for single target Viper Strike setup.
4L PS is enough to clear and Viper Strike deals significantly more damage.

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