[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Solemplow escreveu:
Got theses 2 claws


What would be the optimal play here ? Or should i keep rerolling.

EDIT: I have wasp nest right now, so maybe it's worth it to just keep them to use them until i x or y (craft/harvest/annul/idk).

But i don't know what to do with them rn, even if they are still maybe usable like this.

Reroll 1st one. 2nd one is really good, bench craft any crap suffix and harvest craft "Aug Chaos" to hit chaos damage to attacks guaranteed. Craft %dot multi and you have a sick claw.
TheOne320 escreveu:
Solemplow escreveu:
Got theses 2 claws

What would be the optimal play here ? Or should i keep rerolling.

EDIT: I have wasp nest right now, so maybe it's worth it to just keep them to use them until i x or y (craft/harvest/annul/idk).

But i don't know what to do with them rn, even if they are still maybe usable like this.

For the second you can block the suffix with any bench craft, then aug chaos, which will always give you added chaos and then you just replace the benchcraft with chaos damage over time multi and you have the perfect claw.

if u got an open suffix, I find the chaos resist quite nice there, frees it from other slots and without another influence we don't really have a third go to suffix.
Última edição por robos_ em 4 de fev de 2021 16:54:15
Rechno escreveu:

Boots project ongoing, I have to remove/add chaos till t1 poison deal damage faster.(done) If I had the balls I would maven orb after I get that, but maybe at the end of the league. It's easy to elevate elusive though, lock suffixes then spam maven orb/aug crit until it elevates.

How does that work if you have suffixes cannot be changed and only 1 prefix is influenced?
xaeror35 escreveu:

How is your single target DPS? I am using 5link cobra and 6 link viper strike for bosses

Here is my A9 Redeemer kill for comparison.
Solemplow escreveu:
Got theses 2 claws

What would be the optimal play here ? Or should i keep rerolling.

EDIT: I have wasp nest right now, so maybe it's worth it to just keep them to use them until i x or y (craft/harvest/annul/idk).

But i don't know what to do with them rn, even if they are still maybe usable like this.

I have a similar claw as your second one.

Keep in mind that the accuracy is local. It win't affect your other claw. I learned that the hard way.
Thanks everyone.
I have a similar claw as your second one.

Keep in mind that the accuracy is local. It win't affect your other claw. I learned that the hard way.

So this accuracy is useless right ?

So the best i can get with this claw is :


60% chance for poison
Adds chaos damage
X% to chaos damage over time

Suffix :
T1 attack speed
T1 accuracy

And a random slam ?

I looked at it and i can block prefix and 1/3 chance to annul suffix, but only to multimod and get a poor 16% increased chaos damage (or 2 slams).

Also i'm poor ( 200c left actually).

I suppose i have to stick with them both, then just aug chaos/craft %multiplier unless i want to sink dozens of ex in it for a 2% upgrade

EDIT: rerolled my other claw

This seems less bad than i thought it was.

I can craft %multiplier and aug chaos.
Última edição por Solemplow em 4 de fev de 2021 18:38:24
Solemplow escreveu:
Thanks everyone.
I have a similar claw as your second one.

Keep in mind that the accuracy is local. It win't affect your other claw. I learned that the hard way.

So this accuracy is useless right ?

So the best i can get with this claw is :


60% chance for poison
Adds chaos damage
X% to chaos damage over time

Suffix :
T1 attack speed
T1 accuracy

And a random slam ?

I looked at it and i can block prefix and 1/3 chance to annul suffix, but only to multimod and get a poor 16% increased chaos damage (or 2 slams).

Also i'm poor ( 200c left actually).

I suppose i have to stick with them both, then just aug chaos/craft %multiplier unless i want to sink dozens of ex in it for a 2% upgrade

EDIT: rerolled my other claw

This seems less bad than i thought it was.

I can craft %multiplier and aug chaos.

The best with that base (realstic) is something like this.

You can improve that with more investment and RNG (see Vennto).
Bustled escreveu:
Rechno escreveu:

Boots project ongoing, I have to remove/add chaos till t1 poison deal damage faster.(done) If I had the balls I would maven orb after I get that, but maybe at the end of the league. It's easy to elevate elusive though, lock suffixes then spam maven orb/aug crit until it elevates.

How does that work if you have suffixes cannot be changed and only 1 prefix is influenced?

It tries to remove one of the suffix influences to elevate elusive, but it respects the craft and fails to remove it. Even though it fails to delete the suffix, it elevates the prefix.

If anyone needs claw suggestions, craft process in spoiler.

1- Get an elder imperial claw with poisons deal 100% more damage mod.(i86+) this will be our base.
2- Get any hunter claw with t1 poisons deal % faster (13-15%).
3- Make sure that these claws don't have any other influenced mods. https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Claw
4- Awakener's orb the hunter claw into the elder imperial claw.
5- You'll most likely have crappy stats with the guaranteed influence mods, and you will need an open prefix to add flat chaos damage.
6- If Suffixes are full and only one prefix, Craft "attacks with this weapon penetrates chaos resistances" to block hunter penetration mod and do harvest "remove non-chaos/add chaos" to have a higher chance to add flat chaos damage.
If you have an open suffix, you have to fill it with any suffix that has chaos tag on it, so craft "increased chaos damage %" and do harvest "remove non-chaos/add chaos".
7- If you end up with flat chaos damage prefix, craft chaos dot multiplier to fill prefixes. Don't forget that if your prefixes/suffixes are filled, you can try harvest removing it if it has a different tag than others. If they don't have a mod tag, then do harvest "remove non-chaos/add chaos" again.
8- Our main purpose here is to end up with flat chaos damage prefix, 100% more chaos damage prefix and poison deals % faster suffix.
9- If you want higher than crafted attack speed, you have to aug speed till you get t3+. But if you're fine with crafted attack speed, Multimod Attack Speed and Chaos dot multi.
10-If you want to remove multimod for "damage with poison", do one last harvest "remove non-chaos/add chaos" to gamble a 50/50 in between attack speed and multimod to have "damage with poison". If you success but you get hunter conversion mod, you can do harvest "remove physical" to safely remove that mod. If you fail the 50/50 but get the conversion mod, remove phys and craft attack speed to try again. If you get the poison damage, you have to remove crafts & aug speed.

I'll try to help if you are stuck in a weird situation.

Última edição por Rechno em 4 de fev de 2021 21:25:08
So Ive done the "base" Pest Strike build and really like it, but I see people raving about the Transendence build so I want to gradually move over to it by picking up pieces here and there.

What's a good "Stat Priority" for Loreweave for the build? Obviously you can get crazy Loreweaves for lots of cash, but if someone was looking into a lower-end one, what should I prioritize first and foremost?

I'm assuming something along the lines of Resistances > Life > Ele. Damage but after that I'm not sure what's correct?
Última edição por CairoOvercoat em 4 de fev de 2021 21:26:20

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