[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

Yeah, I get it now that I've thought about it, but it definitely isn't trivial to understand.
Green9090 escreveu:
Fire_Archer escreveu:
Green9090 escreveu:
Ah, interesting. The attack speed doesn't feel bad to me at all, but I guess without comparing with a faster weapon I can't know. At the time I was shopping there wasn't anything with better attack speed for under like 30ex, so I guess I'll need to try to snipe something.

I don't know what you mean about the static strike; the FAQ doesn't mention it at all.

Good point. I'll make it more visible. People mess up that one a lot. You need to go to the "How to activate Holy Nova faster/How to maximize DPS"

Huh. So I want a level 18 static strike with no quality? I guess that has to do with the phase of holy relic cooldown and static strike beam frequency lining up? Probably worth explaining that in the guide in a little more detail, I had to think very hard about why that would matter and I'm a mathematician lol.

Thanks for your help; still no good weapons on the market but now I know what I'm looking for at least.

Its not really complicated, rather convoluted. When your static strike hits - your relic trigger and go on cooldown.

If static strike hits again and relics are on cooldown - relics will not trigger. They are on cooldown.

That means if static strike hits faster than relics come off coldown, every second hit will not trigger relics.

As opposed to activating relics with every hit if static strike hit rate and relics cooldowns match.

If static strike hits slower than relics come of cooldown - then it also activates relics with every hit, but you could prolly activate them faster and squeeze in a tiny bit more DPS.

But all that was calculated already and put on a spreadsheet. So you don't even need to think about it.

That's why Ashes of the Starts combines with roll on Geofry's Crest is so powerful - they reduce the cooldown of relics by a lot, letting nova strike a lot more often if activated properly.

As for quality on normal static strike - you can have it - it doesn't do anything other then add duration to the buff effect.
Última edição por Fire_Archer#4037 em 8 de jul de 2022 07:37:13
Updated the main post Gear to tide up the old bits and....

We are at the character limit. I can not add any more extra info to the main post unless I delete something. So far I had to remove 3.17 videos....

I'd apreciate some feedback on that. So far my guess would be removing 'league interaction' section entierly and maybe remove list of Skin of the Lords Keystone (although it would suck if someone picks out the one that is harmful)

And as promised - a follow up post on magic find.

Fire_Archer escreveu:
A little bit of an info post time.

The things I recently experimented with is Mafic Find and Headhunter.

About Magic Find
So first of all - let me tell you, I never did a magic find before and my knowledge of the subject might not be the best.

I do, however, researched several MF interactions before and thuse can clarify several things that might cause confusion.

1) Your minions do not have any magic find. Even if you somehow give them magic find stat, they do not benefit from it, and instead, when minion gets a kill YOUR CHARACTER magic find 'rolls' the loot.

That means, similar to headhunter/inspired learning - in case of loot - minions kills = your kills.

You don't need Gravebinds or anything. Just scale your own MF stats and lets minions kill.

2) Minions builds are typically not used for magic find. There are two major reasons to it:
Minions are slow
Minions do not benefit from headhunter

The first part doesn't not relate to our build, as holy relics are teleported to you and stick with you at all times. They also have no limit of enemies they can hit with the nova, unlike most minions that would have linear or even single focus attacks.

As for the headhunter, read down below.

What is magic find, and why would you want it.

Magic find is divided into 2 stats. IIQ - Increased Item Quantity. IIR - Increased Item Rarity.

IIQ makes enemies drop more stuff. IIR makes enemies drop rares stuff.

Typically IIR is not that desired as its main purpose is to net you some valuable unique items drops, and the chances of that is too low to be relevant.

IIQ on other hand makes enemies drop extra loot, with extra loot being ANYTHING from loot table.

This bring us to the core philosophy of the MF. The way I see it - is if you have 100% IIQ, that means every killed monster drops 2x loot. That means where you could run 2 maps worth of drops, you instead need to run just 1 map. Effectively doubling your mapping speed.

This also means if you cripple yourself with MF gear to the point your map clear takes ages - there is no point to do that, you can just run more maps normally and get more loot rolls that way.

That is if you take it very very narrow.

Can this build use MF gear. And what MF gear there is?
Can this build use MF gear - yes. Will it be good? Ehhh questionable.

First of all here are the things you can fit in without too much effort.

Gaining in total of 58% IIQ

You will lose 20% move speed (it is noticeable but not that bad)
You will lose some resists that you get back with IL/HH and/or flasks - so not a big deal either.
You will lose Chaos res and degen zones become more spooky, but also not a huge deal.

Now to the things that are a bit harder to fit.


10% Quantity amulet instead of Ashes - fairly doable. You lose a lot of damage and a tiny bit of speed, but for general mapping - you don't need much. Its kinda borderline - 10% IIQ for clear speed and extra aura might not be worth it, but if you are comfortable with it - and I am for now - its alright to give up amulet slot.


Greed's embrace for a chest slot.
A very hard fit. It gives 15% IIQ but reduces your speed by 20%. On top of that you get -2 levels of main skill and supports, and less protections. I tried it several times even with headhunter - its just feels bad all around.


Another borderline good/bad fit. Sadima's touch gives you 10% quantity - isntead you lose one of your primiry clear power - explosion from Asenath.
This is a hard one to decide, and I'd say its very much dependant on layout.
You don't need explosions to kill enemies if they are grouped up in a tight corridors like in Tower map.
In open maps like Cemetery, however, thse chaining explosions can speed up your clear speed by a lot. And 10% is not that big of a deal to drop it for speed then.


Perandus Blazon - extra 8% IIQ - hard to fit because you might want to have Headhunter instead.

If you manage to fit it all in - you (will have a very shitty build) will have 101% IIQ

What I ended up with
My build - https://pastebin.com/fCBUkQ6F
68% IIQ, 36 IIR
This feels most comfortable, but you could maybe fit greed's embrace (+15%) if you are using Headhunter, and Sadimas (+10%) if you are running tight map.

What about Headhunter. How good is it?

If you followed the build you know how strong Inspired learning was. Adding a lot of speed, a lot of protection while mapping.

But what is really good about those stolen buffs?
List of buffs that REALLY matter
Hasted - 40% increased Movement Speed, 30% increased Attack and Cast Speed. A fairly rare mod, makes you go fast. Its really nice to have it on 60 second duration as you don't get many of those in a map.

Echoist - 200% increased Attack and Cast Speed. Makes your flicker go brrrrr. Fast teleports = faster clear and movement. Semi rare.

Deadeye - Nearby Allies have 100% increased Accuracy Rating and 100% increased Critical Strike Chance - about 6% more DPS. Also rare.

Bonebreaker - Nearby Allies have 40% increased Global Physical Damage - 7% more DPS. Kinda rare.

Malediction - Nearby Enemies have Oppression, causing them to take 30% increased Damage. Can't say I see that mod often.

Soul Eater - makes your flickerstrike go brrr but also makes you run out of mana. Also rare

The rest of mods boost up your protections, and its not like you ever have probelms with those.

And while its nice to keep juicy mods up for a bit longer, you are crippling yourself for not having a belt for bossing. If you not gonna boss, or if you have belt on swap - HH is nice. Is it 50 ex nice? Prolly not.

In conclusion/TL;DR

Should you be using Headhunter - yes - if you are using MF gear. It will fix most of the flaws you inflict on yoursels. Should you be using it on regular build? Prolly not.

Should you be using MF gear? God, no, it feels terrible, and I so far see no benefits from doing it. Might mess with it some more - see how it feels.

But what about cloak of tawm'r isley? -Relevant only for this league, don't care, didn't try.

So I changed my mind about magic find. I think overall it feels pretty nice, but only as an end game activity. Using some info from recent reddit post - I educated myself that IIQ has diminishing returns and there is no reason to bruteforce a lot of it. So instead, I returned some core end game items, leaving only those that don't harm as much.

Playing more with Headhunter - I realized that it is very much superior to Inspired Learning in very way, making you borderline unkillable in maps no matter what. IL is not enough for that.

Again - its good for MF and mapping, but its bad for bossing - so having a belt on swap is a good idea.

As for MF itself - I can say I'm feeling it. A little bit. In just about 60 maps I dropped 2x Brother Stashes and 3x 7 years of bad luck. As well as extra raw exalts.

I could be just getting very lucky, but I didn't have big div card drops all league until I switched to MF.

For the next league, after I'm done pushing the build to reasonable limits - I'm definatly going to switch to MF. Maybe even do that early.

Última edição por Fire_Archer#4037 em 8 de jul de 2022 08:51:16
Updated the main post Gear to tide up the old bits and....

We are at the character limit. I can not add any more extra info to the main post unless I delete something. So far I had to remove 3.17 videos....

I'd apreciate some feedback on that. So far my guess would be removing 'league interaction' section entierly and maybe remove list of Skin of the Lords Keystone (although it would suck if someone picks out the one that is harmful)

Hey there. So, I´ve taken a bit of time out of my shedule to try to help on that matter, because I disagree a lot: The List of Keystones is very valuable, so could be the league-interaction area for new people that really want to get an idea what they can farm with the build. Here is my list of content out of your build you could shrink or cut:

Also on a side note, excuse me for any grammar mistakes in advance, english is not my native language. Feel free to point them out so I would fix those at once.
cut that - it might have a positive meaning, but it´s basically without any substantial information about anything.

Build concept
U use a lot of words to basically say:
1. Holy Relic's nova is our damage source
2. We try to use flicker strike as our movement- and triggering ability, making this a very fast mapper compared to other minion builds
3. We use static strike as supplementary activation, completing a smoother gameplay-loop as well as not getting tendonidis on bosses

Thats it. Since u have a seperate gem-section there is no need to ramble on about why exactly u are using multistrike, ancestral call, how they teleport 2 pixels and what not. And, speaking out of experience, most people straight skip to the gem-section anyway. Build concept should focus on the barebone IDEA of the build.

Cut down the text here, just go: leaguestart/intermediate/endgame. Or if you really want to inform on good mods, go shorter with bullet points.

Uber Endgame Items
Cut down Body armour entirely, just say that the given keystones lethe shade and imbalanced guard are considered the BiS-pics in the keystone discussion.

A word on helmets: Nothing in regards to cutting, but u should mention good corruptions when talking uber endgame items. Getting that helmet with the enchant is not expensive at all since the build is so off-meta.

Cut down the ascendancy completely, that´s something that can be displayed in the PoB and doesn´t need to take up space here. or at least cut it down to:
"Mistress of Sacrifice > Unnatural Strengh > Commander of darkness > X"

So, I agree that this is the weak part of the guide. It is open for discussion if u want to cut it down completely, but then people would be like "hey, how do I level that build" all day long. I would recommend a different option here: As I am leveling roughly 100 chars per league, firstly cause I like racing, secondly cause once I am done with a leauge mostly 4 weeks in and I have nothing better to do than testing builds for the upcoming league. So far I have done already 25 campaignruns to maps just to test different setups for 3.19. Since your build was one of the most enjoyable builds I´ve ever done I would like to give something back here, and figure out leveing setups and write a detailled guide on the leveling alone, in a new topic, which u can simply link to - therefore being able to cut your full section down to an URL, saving a lot of space.

3.13.0 - Path of Exile: Echoes of the Atlas
Cut this - The biggest changes going back were 3.15, at this point its wasted space to talk about 3.13.

That´s my take on it. Let me know what you think and if you wanna take me up on my offer.

Best regards, Vennto
Apologies if this has been covered already, took a poke but couldn't find it.

Why are we using assassins mark and brittle ground on boots when we're taking resolute technique?

- Also : Feel like I'm getting wrecked a lot attaching PoB if anyone has some wisdom, have another 5 ex to spend.

Última edição por Fekta1#4065 em 9 de jul de 2022 18:43:41
Fekta1 escreveu:
Apologies if this has been covered already, took a poke but couldn't find it.

Why are we using assassins mark and brittle ground on boots when we're taking resolute technique?

- Also : Feel like I'm getting wrecked a lot attaching PoB if anyone has some wisdom, have another 5 ex to spend.


Resolute technique only affects YOU and not your minions. So they will crit.

You can't use Assasins mark on a clear version (aka when using Asenath gloves) might as well get rid of it for now.

You have level 20 Desecrate for no reason at all. It doesn't do anything. It costs a lot more mana to trigger. Get rid of it, get level 1. Then respec the points you put in dexterity nodes to a better use. Namely - taking Mystic Bulwark - not only it will work you towards capping spell block (that is the most important thing for you now) but will also give you a ton of mana regen to make sure you always have mana for bone offering.

CWDT is a terrible idea. Get rid of it too and put Steelskin on a rightclick. You want it to be always active and not when you are already dead.

Include specters into your build. 1 Host Chieftain, 1 They of Tul. You already got brittle on your boots so its time to get a powercharge monkey and take out that Controlled Destruction for Crit Damage. Tul will make you a lot tankier. Make sure to use proper gem links.

As for money - I'd put them into cluster jewels. Yours are terrible. So many points wasted when you can spend like 10 c and buy the ones with less points, then use saves passives to put them into life or block. Or even buy a good megalomaniac with things you want.

And maybe some rare items with chaos resist. Not sure how you are able to use Forbidden Taste and not die with uncapped chaos res. Maybe switch to Blood of the Karui for now? You also need a Granite flask instead of Ruby. Ruby is only for when you switch to another shield. You can experiment with that too tho. Dawnbreaker with high roll on phys to fire. People say it feels really good even on early stages of the build, but I never tried that myself so can't tell. Then again it's just like 2c item, so might give it a shot.

Última edição por Fire_Archer#4037 em 9 de jul de 2022 23:16:46
Fire_Archer escreveu:
Barmalei02 escreveu:
Hey!) Im really enjoying this build, it feels very cool and pretty safe, and i managed to do elder and shaper for the first time, done the shaper guardians maven challenge and elder with maven without a lot of pain). But few days ago ive noticed that i havent been usuing AG all this time lol! So i looked up to your items in pob, was happy to see that ive had 2 of the uniques, bought the other pieces but i guess i was way too confinent in myself and ignored the boots and helm modifiers:( Aaaaand i lost my AG not so long after on a corrupted dark forest boss, heheee... So my question is: what boots modifier is the most important one ( there is only one pair with "Pinnacle regen + Regenerate #% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently" atm, and it costs 15ex, wich is way to much for me) and can make my AG to stay alive on endgame bosses? Thank you!)

Oh boots are super easy to make. But first few tips from the post I made a while ago.

So this is terrible. The enemies in maps and in simulacrum are so strong they just would kill my AG that would not even be scartched last league.

So I made a few improvements to keep him alive that I'm gonna share with you.

1) Divergent Meat Shield support. Extra 8% block for your specters and AG. Its pretty big, its pretty cheap. All you ever wanted.

2) Boots with enchant for life regen on hit is mandatory.

3) Level 21 AG gem is mandatory.

4) Sapp ground on boots can be nice.

5) Double cluster setup for extra Renewal. Its also okay to grab Renewal on megalomaniacs. Every Renewal adds a lot of survivability for AG and specters.

6) Divergent Bone Offering. Extra 2% block. Costs a ton. But you also benefit from it, and you gonna need it at some point.

7) +1 to level of all spell skill gems on a weapon - adds a lot of HP to AG and specters and adds extra specter that will help keeping AG alive.

As for boots, all you need is to buy ANY NON CORRUPTED NON INFLUENCED boot with lab enchant for 2% HP regen. You then scour it and use some chaos resist essences on it.

The stats other than resists - doesn't matter. You wanna hit chaos resist and open suffix to craft more chaos resist on top of it. If you got something extra - like extra resist or move speed - great.

After you done that - you can slap eldritch currency on top for extra bonuses like sapp ground or life regen.

Mind that this is also true for the helm. YOU NEED to get your AG to at least 70 chaos resist.

Hey) So, ive managed to dress my AG and tnx to your advise it survived Shaper with Maven, Uber Elder, and Maven herself couldnt even scratch him!) Ive been pretty confinent in it, and went to wreck Sirus. Aaaaand in the middle of the fight, i didnt even see the very moment my poor fella has been blown away, heh
Dont really know what happened, as Sirus barely dealt any damage to me, and my AG had good res and regen( Is there anything i missed (maybe the "Pinnacle boss regen" was a musthave) , or Sirus is just a big nono? Thank you in advance!)
Barmalei02 escreveu:

Hey) So, ive managed to dress my AG and tnx to your advise it survived Shaper with Maven, Uber Elder, and Maven herself couldnt even scratch him!) Ive been pretty confinent in it, and went to wreck Sirus. Aaaaand in the middle of the fight, i didnt even see the very moment my poor fella has been blown away, heh
Dont really know what happened, as Sirus barely dealt any damage to me, and my AG had good res and regen( Is there anything i missed (maybe the "Pinnacle boss regen" was a musthave) , or Sirus is just a big nono? Thank you in advance!)

Weird to hear that. Maybe it was Uber Sirus? That one can melt AG pretty fast. The regular one... I can't think of a way he could have killed your AG. Unless AG has like 0 chaos res and was standing in the rotating beams for a minute and then ate several die beams, but even then unlikely.

There is a slight chance you somehow run out of mana/corpses or don't have enough mana unreserved to trigger bone offering all the time. But I don't see how that would happen. Speaking of that - get rid of lvl 6 desecrate and get lvl 1. Cost less mana to trigger.

If anything Maven would be more dangerous because she turns off the regen fully.

But you could have improved your AG by a lot still.

First of all get some chroamics and wap boots with helm setup. It won't cost you a thing and that +1 levels from helm is massive for AG. +1 levels gives about 3-4k life and in turn makes % regen better.

Then you can get lvl 21 AG. Another +1 level for its survivability.

That being said - I had my AG vanish entirely at some point of the league. People say that can happen very rarely. Cant say much more about it.

Oh and 'boss regen' doesn't do much. Its barely give AG 1% regen. Most likely less. Its still nice though, but not something to worry about.
Fire_Archer escreveu:
Barmalei02 escreveu:

Hey) So, ive managed to dress my AG and tnx to your advise it survived Shaper with Maven, Uber Elder, and Maven herself couldnt even scratch him!) Ive been pretty confinent in it, and went to wreck Sirus. Aaaaand in the middle of the fight, i didnt even see the very moment my poor fella has been blown away, heh
Dont really know what happened, as Sirus barely dealt any damage to me, and my AG had good res and regen( Is there anything i missed (maybe the "Pinnacle boss regen" was a musthave) , or Sirus is just a big nono? Thank you in advance!)

Weird to hear that. Maybe it was Uber Sirus? That one can melt AG pretty fast. The regular one... I can't think of a way he could have killed your AG. Unless AG has like 0 chaos res and was standing in the rotating beams for a minute and then ate several die beams, but even then unlikely.

There is a slight chance you somehow run out of mana/corpses or don't have enough mana unreserved to trigger bone offering all the time. But I don't see how that would happen. Speaking of that - get rid of lvl 6 desecrate and get lvl 1. Cost less mana to trigger.

If anything Maven would be more dangerous because she turns off the regen fully.

But you could have improved your AG by a lot still.

First of all get some chroamics and wap boots with helm setup. It won't cost you a thing and that +1 levels from helm is massive for AG. +1 levels gives about 3-4k life and in turn makes % regen better.

Then you can get lvl 21 AG. Another +1 level for its survivability.

That being said - I had my AG vanish entirely at some point of the league. People say that can happen very rarely. Cant say much more about it.

Oh and 'boss regen' doesn't do much. Its barely give AG 1% regen. Most likely less. Its still nice though, but not something to worry about.

Yeah, couldnt figure out what happened at Sirus too, it was a normal version of him. It can be so that ive missed some of the tactics (it was my first time fighting him) but i died only once, cause of bad positioning (and all the explosions happening around breaking my focus) and if something insta killed me i dont think it could oneshot the AG.

And about the chance of AG just vanishing - thats sad it can really happen randomly:(

Considering the helm and boots, i couldnt find anything about "chroamics". Sry, english is not my native language so sometimes i cant figure out the meaning if it was a specialized term) or is it a mistype?) Tnx!)

Barmalei02 escreveu:
Fire_Archer escreveu:
Barmalei02 escreveu:

Hey) So, ive managed to dress my AG and tnx to your advise it survived Shaper with Maven, Uber Elder, and Maven herself couldnt even scratch him!) Ive been pretty confinent in it, and went to wreck Sirus. Aaaaand in the middle of the fight, i didnt even see the very moment my poor fella has been blown away, heh
Dont really know what happened, as Sirus barely dealt any damage to me, and my AG had good res and regen( Is there anything i missed (maybe the "Pinnacle boss regen" was a musthave) , or Sirus is just a big nono? Thank you in advance!)

Weird to hear that. Maybe it was Uber Sirus? That one can melt AG pretty fast. The regular one... I can't think of a way he could have killed your AG. Unless AG has like 0 chaos res and was standing in the rotating beams for a minute and then ate several die beams, but even then unlikely.

There is a slight chance you somehow run out of mana/corpses or don't have enough mana unreserved to trigger bone offering all the time. But I don't see how that would happen. Speaking of that - get rid of lvl 6 desecrate and get lvl 1. Cost less mana to trigger.

If anything Maven would be more dangerous because she turns off the regen fully.

But you could have improved your AG by a lot still.

First of all get some chroamics and wap boots with helm setup. It won't cost you a thing and that +1 levels from helm is massive for AG. +1 levels gives about 3-4k life and in turn makes % regen better.

Then you can get lvl 21 AG. Another +1 level for its survivability.

That being said - I had my AG vanish entirely at some point of the league. People say that can happen very rarely. Cant say much more about it.

Oh and 'boss regen' doesn't do much. Its barely give AG 1% regen. Most likely less. Its still nice though, but not something to worry about.

Yeah, couldnt figure out what happened at Sirus too, it was a normal version of him. It can be so that ive missed some of the tactics (it was my first time fighting him) but i died only once, cause of bad positioning (and all the explosions happening around breaking my focus) and if something insta killed me i dont think it could oneshot the AG.

And about the chance of AG just vanishing - thats sad it can really happen randomly:(

Considering the helm and boots, i couldnt find anything about "chroamics". Sry, english is not my native language so sometimes i cant figure out the meaning if it was a specialized term) or is it a mistype?) Tnx!)

Chromatics - it was a typo. This things

Just move gems in your boots to your helm.

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